Taste the beers of Nr. Nissum Håndbryg
Join us for a beer tasting at Nr. Nissum Håndbryg, where the brewer himself will present the beers he has specially selected for the tasting you’ll attend. He will share anecdotes and stories about how beer has been a part of Danish culture for centuries.
Nr. Nissum Håndbryg began on June 1, 2017, with 12 different beers in its range, and today we have grown to 20 different varieties. At the tasting, you will be served four very different beers, ranging from the light Saaz Pils to the pitch-black Porter, Farfars Aften Øl.
In addition to talking about the beers, the brewer will share the story behind Nr. Nissum Håndbryg, describing his journey from postman to full-time brewer. Local wild game specialties served on homemade crispbread made with spent grain from the brewery will accompany the beer tasting.
At Nr. Nissum Håndbryg, we strive to create memorable experiences. Our beers can also be enjoyed at restaurants and purchased in local shops in the Holstebro and Lemvig areas.
Price: DKK 140 per person.
Registration: no later than 2 days in advance.