Slagter Bertelsen
In Nørregade, Holstebro, you find Slagter Bertelsen, that exclusively sells Danish meat. Everything is homemade - even the smoked goods. Here you will find ham, pork roll, salami, and many other cuttings of quality meat.
Slagter Bertelsen is know for his Holstebro Ham, which he has produced since 2002. The meat is chosen from special pigs from Jutland, that are bigger than normal pigs. This gives a good marbling and a darker colour.
Which spices he uses is a family secret, but the recipe for the ham is inspired by the South, which makes the meat nice and tender, not too salty and juicy. The meat is being dry salted for five weeks with salt and spices, before it is hanged for maturing and is lightly smoked. All in all it takes about a year for the ham to mature, and it is turned every week during the maturing period.
The meat from the delicious gourmet forest pigs er especially suitable for grill season. The pigs have had a nice free-range life, where they have been allowed to rummage around in the forest floor. A lot of fresh air and exercise make the pigs happy and develop their muscles, which is a prerequisite for good meat.
At the butcher's you are always guaranteed tender beef, as all of the beef is delivered to the to the store as whole animals. After hygiene control, the meat is hanged in their own cold storage and carved into delicious beef and roasts, as the meat is first class.